by Steve Adubato, PhD
There is no exact science to the art of leadership. People are moved and motivated by all kinds of people, events, and circumstances. So how do you keep people happy and productive, and how much of that has to do with great leadership and truly getting to know your team? Here are some tangible tips and tools that belong in your leadership tool kit:
by Steve Adubato, PhD
Being able to present in a competent and compelling fashion is critical in order to be a well-rounded, highly effective leader who motivates, persuades and energizes others. Yet, many leaders have a massive gap in their professional toolkit when it comes to the ability to present with confidence. The next time you are preparing to make an important presentation ask yourself the following questions that can help:
by Steve Adubato, PhD
Maintaining the status quo is rarely an option for leaders these days. Mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances are all more common than ever. Effective leaders understand there are times when these integration efforts are the only way for their organizations to thrive, much less survive. Yet, leading such a change is no easy feat. Consider the following leadership lessons that can help:
by Steve Adubato, PhD
In a chapter from my newest book, “Lessons in Leadership,” I share the stories of three very special people who faced very difficult and challenging circumstances. Yet, each of these extraordinary people chose to rise above their individual obstacle and made not only the best of the situation but, in fact, turned it into a positive.
Often great leadership comes down to asking great questions. When things go wrong in our organizations, some of us ask questions like “Who screwed this up?” or “What could you possibly have been thinking when you did that?” To be clear, I’m a big advocate of confronting situations head-on —dealing with things before they get worse. How leaders go about confronting is key to what happens next and, ultimately, how difficult situations are resolved—or not. Why not be a leader who sees every situation or circumstance as an opportunity to learn not only what happened but why it happened and who tries to understand what the best options are in order to move forward in a positive way. Following are a few tips for asking really good questions that should prove helpful:
By Steve Adubato, PhD
Being a winner is easy, losing is hard. Sounds simple, right? But when it comes to leadership nothing could be more difficult to deal with than coming up on the short end. Whether it’s in politics, business or sports, how you deal with defeat, in many ways, demonstrates the kind of leader you really are.
by Steve Adubato, PhD
One of the characteristics of a great leader is making a commitment to being a lifelong learner. Growth is a conscious decision. Exceptional leaders decide they want to grow and learn. They want to understand different ways to be more effective at their craft. Following are practical tips that will help you develop as a leader and learn something new every day: