Steve Adubato, Ph.D.
People in the workplace love conference calls. If done the right way they can be huge time savers. Conference calls can get several people communicating on an important issue and allow for critical decisions to be made in a timely fashion. That’s what conference calls CAN be, but too often they are not. They wind up being chaotic time wasters that cause many participants to be frustrated, confused and downright bored.
By Steve Adubato, Ph.D.
There is a fine line between a leader, manager or supervisor paying attention to important details and micromanaging an operation to the point where they drive their people crazy.
By Steve Adubato, Ph.D.
“Getting elected as New Jersey’s chief executive is hard enough…however, governing and, in fact, truly leading is a thousand times more difficult.”
By Steve Adubato, Ph.D.
Interruptions are a big part of the communication game. We interrupt each other in conversations, presentations and in our every day communication. Let’s consider some questions about how and why we get interrupted and what we can do about it.
by Steve Adubato, Ph.D.
I graduated from Essex Catholic High School in Newark, NJ. Sadly, my high school doesn’t exist any longer. Essex was in one of the worst sections of the city with rampant prostitution and drug dealing along with a bar called “Happy’s Inn”, all within a few yards from our school. Yet, Essex was a great place for working class kids in Northern New Jersey to find academic discipline, compete athletically and hopefully set themselves up for college.
By Steve Adubato, Ph.D.
It is hard to think of any aspect of professional life where communication doesn’t come in to play. Consider how often as a manager, supervisor or business owner you’ve had to hire someone. In the process, you conduct interviews, yet few professionals have been trained to do this well. Being a great interviewer is critically important in finding out the strengths and weaknesses of a potential new hire.
By Steve Adubato, Ph.D.
When it comes to building business relationships, there are some specific communication steps that any professional can take to build his or her reputation and brand in the marketplace.