by Steve Adubato, PhD
A few months ago, I was working with an executive named Jane who was receiving feedback through an exercise in which a professional asks the following two questions of colleagues who know him or her best: What are my three greatest qualities as a leader and communicator? What are three specific areas where I can improve?
by Steve Adubato, PhD
Ferguson, Mo., population 21,000. Who would think that such a small community would wind up as the media epicenter of the nation? It did, however, because of a tragic incident involving a young African-American man, Michael Brown, who was shot and killed by a white police officer in a case that has captured the attention of millions.
by Steve Adubato, PhD
Robin Williams was an extraordinary performer, actor and comedian who made millions of people laugh and cry. But he was also the consummate extemporaneous communicator who had the rare ability to connect with his audience in a deeply personal and human way.
by Steve Adubato, PhD
There was a tremendous amount of feedback from readers in response to my column regarding the 75th anniversary of Lou Gehrig’s "Luckiest Man on the Face of the Earth" speech. The following is just a sampling:
by Steve Adubato, PhD
Very few speeches stand the test of time, but July 4 marked the 75th anniversary of one such speech given by a dying Lou Gehrig at Yankee Stadium.
by Steve Adubato, PhD
The news broke last week that Facebook conducted a psychological test with approximately 700,000 Facebook users in which it manipulated users’ newsfeed posts to see how they reacted to what they saw posted. Simply put, they secretly altered the newsfeed of the test subjects by changing the number of positive and negative posts. The goal? To examine how emotions can be spread on social media.
by Steve Adubato, PhD
From a communication perspective, there are so many things wrong with Donald Sterling’s appearance last week on CNN with Anderson Cooper in which he attempted to apologize for his secretly taped, outrageous and racist comments.