By Steve Adubato, PhD
On Monday afternoon, the NFL handed down its punishment to the Patriots and reigning Super Bowl MVP, Tom Brady, for the deflation of footballs used in the AFC Championship Game, as well as for Brady’s lack of cooperation with the NFL. The punishment includes a four game suspension for Brady and a $1 million fine to the Patriots in addition to two docked draft picks.
By Steve Adubato, PhD
In Jim Collins’ book, “Good to Great,” he explores the key factors and characteristics of America’s best companies and organizations. But what are the traits of a “great leader” and how do we continually step up our game and raise the bar?
By Steve Adubato, PhD
A powerful lesson in leadership: take responsibility for your actions as well as your words… especially when things go wrong.
By Steve Adubato, PhD
One of the things I’ve learned after two decades of writing, teaching and talking about leadership is that some of the best lessons can come from the most unlikely sources. When people talk about great leaders, they often reference corporate giants, historical political figures or the Vince Lombardi’s of the sports world.
By Steve Adubato, PhD
As leaders, we’ve all had these thoughts before:
“Why can’t that executive just stop being so argumentative?”
“I wish the stakeholders would see my point of view on that merger.”
By Steve Adubato, PhD
I was coaching a client recently who told me that in her performance evaluation, the manager she reported to told her she needed to be “more assertive” in her leadership style. Interestingly, just a few weeks ago in a communication and leadership skills seminar, one of the participants shared his concern that one of his managers was “too aggressive” in his leadership and that he wanted this manager to tone it down a bit.
by Steve Adubato, PhD
By most accounts, Abraham Lincoln was one of the great presidents in American history. While the movie "Lincoln," released in 2012, got significant praise, I especially enjoyed reading Pulitzer Prize-winning author Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book "Team of Rivals," one of the most comprehensive books about Lincoln and his extraordinary leadership ability.