In the first half of Steve Adubato’s Leadership Hour, Steve is joined by Patrick Dunican, Chairman and Managing Director, Gibbons PC. Patrick shares the leadership lessons he has learned as well as specific tips and tools for any professional who is looking to more effectively connect with and manage his or her team.

In the second half of Steve Adubato’s Leadership Hour, Steve is joined by the following guests on State of Affairs with Steve Adubato:

Tim Sullivan, CEO of New Jersey Economic Development Authority, and Steve Adubato sit down to talk about challenges businesses face and ways to keep businesses here in New Jersey. He also discusses the loss of young talent to surrounding states and approaches stopping the “brain drain.”

Steve Adubato and David Socolow, Executive Director of Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, talk about how parents and students should plan for college by first determining the financial options available to them, and the ways HESAA can work with students to navigate the student loan process from start to finish.

Dr. Andrea Bartoli, Dean of the School of Diplomacy & International Relations at Seton Hall University and Steve Adubato explore the topics of international conflict relations, peacemaking and the impact of the Trump Administration on United States’ relationship with other countries.
