In the next installment of “Steve Adubato’s Leadership Hour,” Michele Siekerka, President & CEO, NJBIA, joins Steve and Mary to discuss how important experience is to building leadership skills.
Steve Adubato speaks with Craig Carpenito, U.S. Attorney for the District of NJ, about the connection between gang violence and the quality of life, the impact of the opioid crisis and the complicated relationship between police and minority communities.
Steve Adubato is joined by Asw. Holly T. Schepisi (R) – NJ, Assistant Republican Leader, who shares her experience in the public eye – from attacks on her appearance, to her personal weight loss journey – and why she continues a life in politics.
Steve Adubato sits down with Asw. Valerie Vainieri Huttle (D) – NJ, Assembly Deputy Speaker, to examine the opioid crisis and how creating safe injection sites could help control the drug epidemic.