In another installment of Steve Adubato’s Leadership Hour, Steve is joined by Ira Robbins, President & CEO, Valley National Bank. Ira shares his tips and tools on the work-life balance and talks to Steve about the lessons he has learned when it comes to being an effective leader and communicator.
In the second half of Steve Adubato’s Leadership Hour, Steve is joined by the following guests on State of Affairs with Steve Adubato:
Scott Rudder, President of the Board of Directors for the New Jersey CannaBusiness Association, talks with Steve about the mission to ensure a successful and safe marijuana industry that meets the needs of the public. Rudder also addresses some of the concerns that people have about the legalization of marijuana in New Jersey.
Michele Mason, Executive Director of the Newark Charter School Fund, shares the success and improvement of the school enrollment system in Newark, NJ.
Paul Boudreau, President of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce, talks about how expensive it is to live and work in New Jersey and how this motivates people to leave the state, negatively impacting business and economy. Boudreau also explains how the new leadership in Trenton will impact commerce in NJ.