In this next installment of Steve Adubato’s Leadership hour, Steve is joined by Hakika Wise, Founder and Creator of Kika Stretch Studios and The Kika Method. Hakika shares how she built her business and the importance of leaders getting out of their comfort zones in order to be successful.
In the second half of Steve Adubato’s Leadership Hour, Steve is joined by the following guests on State of Affairs with Steve Adubato:
Attorney General Gurbir Grewal and Steve Adubato talk about the tone and tenor of the White House and how it’s affecting our nation. Attorney General Grewal also explains the role of his office regarding some of the issues they’ve dealt with since being appointed by Gov. Murphy including: the opioid crisis, state and local taxes and gun control.
Steve Adubato sits down with Mayor Andre Sayegh, City of Paterson, to discuss his priorities as a new Mayor: reducing crime and increasing safety, gaining local control of schools and driving economic development.