In the next installment of “Steve Adubato’s Leadership Hour,” Frank Longobardi, Partner & CEO, CohnReznick, shares an important lesson he's learned about leadership as having the ability to bring out the best in your employees.
In the second half of “Steve Adubato’s Leadership Hour,” Steve Adubato sits down with Brandon McKoy, President, New Jersey Policy Perspective, to discuss NJ’s School Funding Formula, the Millionaire’s tax, and why immigrant owned businesses are important to the state’s economy.
Steve Adubato goes on-location to the North Ward Center for the “Autism: A Different Way of Thinking” Forum to talk with Deputy Speaker, Asw. Valerie Vainieri Huttle (D) – NJ, about the areas lacking in support for those with autism; the importance of providing help beyond the school system; and the most critical issue: funding of services.
Tom Bergeron, Editor and Chief Content Officer, ROI-NJ, examines trends in the media today, specifically niche market publications, and his expectations for the Murphy Administration.