By Steve Adubato, PhD

Times are tough. People are getting laid off, companies are cutting back, consumers are spending less and overall there is a sense of insecurity in the marketplace. What does that have to do with communication? Everything.

Look, it is critically important how you communicate to the outside world, which includes key stakeholders and potential customers—Who you are, what you bring to the table, and why you are so valuable. The concept of “branding” is often tied to corporations like Coca-Cola, Nike, Starbucks, or Nordstrom’s. Brands are not just names that communicate powerful message and images; They make it clear that there is value behind the name.

Yet, brands are not only about organizations. For too long, too many of us have not thought of ourselves as a brand, unless of course you are a celebrity who can go by a single name like Madonna or Bono.

But individual professionals must have their own brand, no matter what they do for a living. With the economy so tough, it is more important than ever before to stay in the game, which means remaining visible in the marketplace so people are thinking about you and the services and/or products you offer.

We don’t have the luxury of being shy, inhibited or keeping the value of what we do a secret. We are too sensitive about being seen as too “self promotional” in the way we communicate about who we are, what we do and how we can help. Your value can’t be a secret, especially when the competition is so fierce. So the question becomes, how can you brand yourself effectively? Here are a few simple ways:

  • Write and article or column in a trade or professional publication in your field that deals with an important issue or problem in the market. Offer concrete solutions. Be practical. Make it clear how much you care about helping others and also make it easy for those who read it to follow up and find you via e-mail and through your Web site. P.S.—Don’t look to be paid for the article. Just getting out there and communicating your message to potential customers is payment enough.
  • Every article you write needs to be on your Web site prominently displayed with your picture and a catchy headline. Further, consider an electronic / visual version of that article by having someone take a camcorder and record you talking about the key points the article raises. Be conversational. You don’t have to be a professional broadcaster to communicate the valuable tips and tools that you share every day with customers and prospects.

Don’t try to be anyone or anything you are not. Just be yourself. Now take that video and put it on your Web site right next to the column. The key is to make your Web site communicate not just what you do in words, but who you are in pictures and sound.

  • Proactively drive people to your Web site. Every day you need to be building your electronic database of existing and potential customers. On a regular basis—probably monthly—you should be updating what is on your Web site and sending out a brief e-mail asking people to check out the site and encourage them to reach out for you and ask additional questions for you to answer. This isn’t about getting people to buy your stuff, but rather to remind them that you can help them with THEIR stuff.

Branding is a product of many factors which include consistently, clarity, and credibility. You can’t communicate any of these messages unless you have a solid track record as a professional who has made a difference in the lives of others. So get busy, start branding yourself and build your bottom line.