by Steve Adubato, PhD

Too often, we communicate at what I call the “8,000 feet level” when what we should be doing is communicating more on the “8 feet level”. Let me explain.

I recently conducted a seminar with a series of professionals who were seeking to advance their careers. They were being asked to make presentations before a senior executive committee of decision makers within their respective firms. These decision makers were looking for my clients to come in and make their case as to why they should be promoted. We are talking about a potentially stressful communication situation, where the presenter can feel on the spot to perform and be judged. Simply put, there was a lot at stake and these professionals needed to communicate effectively.

As I went through a series of coaching sessions with them, I sense they were all communicating on a very big, blue sky level. They were saying things like; “I’ve worked hard to bring in new business” or “I am gaining new cross-selling skills” or “I’m coaching my team to increase their performance”. All these platitudes sounded nice, but it was clear that they would not resonate with the committee of executives who were deciding on promotions. I told my clients that what they were communicating on the “8,000 feet level”. It was too abstract. Too vague. Too generic. Our goal was to get them to be more specific and precise, more tangible. I said we need to paint a picture of exactly what their performance looks like. So instead of saying; “I’ve worked hard to bring in new business” (8,000 feet communication) say; “Just last month I brought in the ABC construction company based on a lead that our team generated. That contract brought in over $100,000 to the firm and I am confident it will bring in at least 25% more in the next 6 months.”

Instead of saying; “I’m gaining new cross-selling skills”, communicate in this fashion; “Recently I met with our ABC client and told him specifically about Bob in our XYZ department who is heading up our new 123 plan. In fact, I set up the meeting with them for next week, which I will be attending. That’s one example of cross selling that our company needs more of.”

Finally, instead of the 8,000 feet communication; “I’m coaching my team to increase their performance”, say; “Last Tuesday I sat down with Bob and Mary who are working on the Jones project, which is a week behind schedule. We identified the specific problems with their efforts and have come up with a strategy that we are implementing that will get us back on track by the end of the month. Both Bob and Mary have acknowledged specifically where their efforts fell short and now know exactly what they need to do to improve their performance which we will measure on a monthly basis.”

The bottom line is that 8,000 feet communication just doesn’t connect with us, while 8 feet communication does. We related to specifics, examples and anecdotes. We need to see it, feel it, touch it and understand it. We need pictures painted for us that graphically illustrate what is being communicated. And, while pictures in the sky floating around at 8,000 feet are out of focus, more black and white pictures on the ground are easier to understand.

This week’s lesson? Move from 8,000 feet to 8 feet communication in a hurry. You’ll see the payoff immediately.